Dear Parents and Guardians,
As I enter Year 3 as the administrator of Pearman Elementary, I would like to thank each of you for the continuous support throughout the 2021-22 school year. This year, I am asking for that same support and love to ensure the students of Pearman Elementary are the focal point of all things Pearman.
For the 2021-22 school year, the theme was "Oh,The Places You'll Go!" We explored school, colleges/universities, the Armed Forces, various career places, and the last place we visited on our tour was "Academic Success". Our goal for the year was to score a 328 or above on the state's accountability model! I know that our students did their best.
For this new year, our theme is "Growing Greatness!" We will continue to focus on positive behavior initiatives and building relationships, implement more AR initiatives, provide quality Tier 1 instruction using the College and Career Readiness standards, utilize data to drive instruction, and to implement the curriculum in a rigorous manner so that we can continue to increase all of the students' achievements.To continue with our theme for 2022-23, "Growing Greatness", one of my main priorities is to build stronger relationships with parents, students, and community partners.
Year 1 was great but Year 2 will definitely be one to remember as we continue to provide academic experiences for our students that are rigorous, relevant, and help them build relationships while making real-world connections.
Remember, as your Principal, it is important to me that everyone who steps through our doors-teachers, students and parents-are excited to be here! This attitude enables us to meet the challenges of academic excellence in a positive, fun, and nurturing environment. My door is always open, and I welcome your input. Please feel free to call or email me to discuss any concerns you might have throughout the school year.
I look forward to working with you as a team to help each student Pearman Elementary meet their goals and have a successful upcoming school year!
Best regards,
Mrs. Precious Person-Redmond